Friday, 4 September 2009

Draft table of contents

Hello, everyone,

I am pleased to have been given the privilege of being lead author for this chapter, and am looking forward to working with you all. I have created a document with a draft working title, authors list, intended audience, and table of contents. I included in the list of authors everyone who has contributed to this blog, and have added a few other names. (If you don't see your name, I apologize--please let me know.) It makes for quite a long author list, but this is a synthesis chapter and many people contributed.

For the chapter outline I drew on comments made by people on the blog. I think that the outline offers a space for most of the substantive comments and recommendations from to be elaborated. I would ask you to please do the following:

  1. Download the draft outline,
  2. Edit and revise the title, outline, intended audience, and author list as you see fit,
  3. Indicate whether you are interested in contributing to any of these sections.

Please submit any revisions to this document by 10 September so that it can be prepared for the meeting in Chiang Mai.

Thanks, and best regards,

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